With many business operations the State of Michigan requires the business or the owner to carry a license permitting them to carry on that given operation. Not only can obtaining these licenses for a business be complicated but the State can also under certain conditions revoke these licenses. Having a business licence attorney that is competent in not only obtaining these licenses but also can help you maintain you license is priceless.
The attorneys at The Business Law Group have worked with many of the licensing agencies of the State of Michigan. Our attorneys know what it takes to get the right licenses in place so that your business operates within the letter of the law of Michigan. When changes in your business come up, we know what adjustments need to be made with your licensing status. Even if you have violated the law and the State of Michigan is threatening to revoke your license, we know how to aggressively fight for your rights so you do not lose your license and ultimately cripple you business.
Our attorneys are skill in assisting clients with: